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Chocolate Ganache

Petit fours2


Tools Needed

Kitchen scale to weigh chocolate

2 cup measuring cup

Large microwave safe bowl


Parchment paper

Sheet pan

Fork or candy dipper




List of Ingredients to Purchase


Grocery store items (by location where I find them)


Other aisles

 12 ounces dark chocolate

 4 ounces milk chocolate

1 cup heavy cream   



 Recipe steps:

Melt chocolate to ganache.

Ingredients needed

12 ounces dark chocolate

 4 ounces milk chocolate

1 cup heavy cream   

Large microwave safe bowl

Kitchen scale to weigh chocolate

2 cup measuring cup



Weigh out 12 ounces dark chocolate and 4 ounces milk chocolate. Break up the chocolate into pieces.  The smaller the pieces, the easier and the faster the chocolate will melt.  If you have large pieces, make sure to stir and try to break up the pieces each time you remove it from the microwave.  You do not want part of the large piece of chocolate to get too hot and ruin.  Make sure to use high quality chocolate with a high fat content.  Place the chocolate into a large microwave safe bowl.  Warm it for 45 seconds. Stir as much as possible.  Heat for an additional 15 seconds.  Stir as much as possible.  Continue heating and stirring for 15 seconds until the chocolate is mostly melted., Then when it is just small lumps rub the lumps of chocolate into the side of the bowl with the back of the spoon.  Do not overheat in the microwave or the chocolate will change consistency and will not be good.


Once the chocolate is melted, set the bowl to one side.

Place the 1 cup heavy cream into the 2 cup measuring cup and place it into the microwave.  Heat it on power of 4 for one minute at a time. (where high is 10 and low is 1).  Take out and stir and check to see if it is very warm to the touch.  Continue heating for 1 additional minute and stirring and checking it until it is very warm to the touch.  If you do not heat the cream until it is warm, it will cool the chocolate too quickly and very small lumps will form in the chocolate cream mixture.  This mixture is called ganache.  It will still taste good with the lumps, but it will be smoother and creamier without the lumps.


Pour the warm cream into the warm chocolate and stir with a whisk until everything is combined and is uniform in color.


If used as icing, this ganache dries stiff and somewhat shiny.

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