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Awesome Venom, Carnage, and Anti-Venom Cookies


I few weeks ago, I featured marvelous Captain Marvel 6th Birthday Cookies that were made by Aya Olson at Sugar Plum Cookies. Today, I’m featuring her awesome cookies featuring Venom, Carnage, and Anti-Venom.  These are absolutely fantastic cookies.  I really like how Aya used the same profile for all three characters.  By doing that, Aya was able to highlight the similarities and difference in their looks.  The use of color on these cookies is terrific.  There are only four colors on these cookies.  Venom is black, white, and has a red tongue. Anti-Venom is black and white. Carnage is black with white eyes and a pink mouth. 

My favorite part of these cookies is the ingenious way Aya did the backgrounds.  I would never have thought of putting these characters on background that match their primary costume color.  But, by doing this, all you see are their eyes, mouths, and tongues.  This makes these characters look even more menacing and make these cookies really stand out.