This marvelous Mickey Mouse cake is a multi-tiered cake. The top tier is red to match Mickey’s shorts. I like the way the birthday name is written on the side of the tier in Mickey red and black with a yellow background underneath. The capital letters of the first and last name have Mickey ears.
This wonderful cake was made by Silvana Ribeiro Cake Design.
The middle tier is yellow and has Mickey.
The bottom two tiers are made to look like two different cartoon film reels that contain frames of Mickey.
In one frame, he has a ship’s wheel like in the Steamboat Willie cartoon.
Here’s a close-up of Mickey. This cake tier is yellow and matches Mickey’s shoes. Mickey is a 2-D figure that sits against the cake. Mickey’s facial expression is perfect.
It’s always such a challenge to get Mickey to look right, and this baker did a terrific job.