Home » Cupcakes » The World’s Greatest Hobbit Cupcakes

The World’s Greatest Hobbit Cupcakes

Hobbit Cupcakes

These Hobbit Cupcakes are amazing!!!  Imaginarium Cakes in Wellington, New Zealand did a phenomenal job with them.  They feature Bilbo, Gandalf, Thorin, and his company of Dwarfs.


Bilbo Cupcake

Bilbo Cupcake


Gandalf Cupcake

Gandalf Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Thorin Oakenshield Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Dori Cupcake.  I must have looked at Dori a dozen times before I notice the ornament on his beard.


Hobbit Cupcake

Nori Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Ori Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Balin Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Dwalin Cupcake.  Be sure to notice the tattoos on Dwalin’s head.


Hobbit Cupcake

Fili Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Kili Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Oin Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Gloin Cupcake.  The hair and beads on Gloin are amazing.


Hobbit Cupcake

Bifur Cupcake.  The multi-colored hair is terrific.  Notice the small ax in Bifur’s head.


Hobbit Cupcake

Bofur Cupcake


Hobbit Cupcake

Bombur Cupcake


Gollum Cupcake

Imaginarium Cakes also made this awesome Gollum Cupcake.