This elegant Easter Bunny Cake was made by Very Unique Cakes by Veronique as part of the Easter Coloring Book Cake Collaboration, a collaboration featuring both religious and secular Easter coloring book themed cakes by 23 designers from all over the world. Very Unique Cakes by Veronique is located in Clinton, New Jersey The Easter Coloring Book Cake Collaboration can be found on the web and on Facebook.
Want to make this wonderful life like Easter Bunny at home? Veronique created a free one page tutorial showing how she made it. It can be found on The Easter Coloring Book Cake Collaboration’s blog.
I can’t decide which is prettier the life like Easter Bunny or the coloring book cake and flowers. Both are stunning.
The terrific flowers are made from gumpaste and are edible.
The white rabbit was sculpted from Rice Krispies Treats and covered with white modeling chocolate.
The was 8" tall. It was Golden Lemon Pound Cake with Fresh Raspberry Buttercream. The flowers on the cake were hand painted with food coloring gel to reflect the essence of a coloring book.