Home » Minions » Wonderful Seventh Birthday Minion Cake

Wonderful Seventh Birthday Minion Cake

Upside Down Minion Cake

This Wonderful Seventh Birthday Minion Cake was made by Mond Vol Taart. Minion Phil is standing on his head. His hands are beside his head. He is wearing black rubber gloves. He is balancing a birthday cupcake on his black shoe. He is wearing a google over his single eye.


Minion Cake

The cake board has a wood plank pattern. The birthday name and age are written in blue letters on the cake board.


Minion Cake

Here’s a side view of the Minion.



Minion Cake

Here’s a view of the back of the Minion birthday cake. There are blue, yellow, and green streamers running from the cupcake on the shoe down to Phil’s head.


Minion Cake

Here’s a close-up of the vanilla birthday cupcake that has white icing with multicolored sprinkles. The cupcake is in a blue cupcake holder.

Minion Birthday Cake

Here’s a close-up of the pocket.