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Cute Scooby-Doo 8th Birthday Cake Topper

Scooby-Doo 8th Birthday Cake Topper

Libélula Artesanal makes the cutest Scooby-Doo Cake Toppers.  She makes so many adorable variations of Scooby and the gang that I’ll be running them for three posts. This set is for a 8th birthday party.


Scooby-Doo 8th Birthday Cake Topper

As I’ve said in my other two posts, one thing I really like about these cake toppers is how Libélula uses a slightly different design each time.  Here Velma’s hair is darker, the characters are older than in the first set, and Scooby is no longer a pup.


Scooby-Doo 8th Birthday Cake Topper

I like how the body language for each character is slightly different – Fred has his hands in his pockets, Velma is looking up and has her hands by her side, Shaggy has one hand on his chest, and Daphe looks surprised and has one hand on her face.


Scooby-Doo 8th Birthday Cake Topper