Incredibles – 12 Terrific cakes and cookies that feature this superhero family.
I love these 2 Disney movies and want to share with you my favorite Incredibles cakes and cookies.
The first cake is one with the logo prominently displayed on the front of the cake with terrific looking fondant versions of the entire family popping out of the cake. Black fondant buildings are on eight side of the logo. The use of color is terrific.
A multi-tiered cake has at the top, Syndrome holding Baby Jack-Jack Parr. An incredible copy of the Omnidroid battle robot is below. The Omnidroid is using its tentacles to destroy the city. I like the way the light on top of the Omnidroid lights up. The bottom of the cake has snow all over it and is a tribute to Frozone. I really like Frozone. I will always remember when he asks his wife, ‘Where’s my super suit?’
Another supporting character that I really like is Edna Mode. She has her own cake that is also a tutorial. Her phrase ‘itz been too long Dahlings’ is on the side of the cake.
A fondant figure of Jack-Jack is so cute sitting on the top of another cake. There is a tutorial on how to make him.
The bust of Mr. Incredible is terrific in cake form.
There are very unique PEZ cookies that have each character as a PEZ dispenser. These are modeled after set of real PEZ dispensers.
I really like the Dash 3-D sculpted cake that is a figure of him running. Only the heel of one foot touches the cake board so this has to include an elaborate support system to hold up the rest of the cake from this one point. There’s a nice tutorial on how to make this cake.
Make sure to check out the of tutorials for cakes of Edna Mode, Violet, Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, and Baby Jack-Jack.
This marvelous Incredibles 3rd Birthday Cake was made by Little Cherry Cake Company. All five of the Incredibles are bursting out of the top of the cake. In a really cute touch, the fondant is torn and rolled back where the Incredibles burst through. The front of the cake has the Incredibles logo with a […]
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