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Don’t Get These Gremlins Pumpkin Carvings Wet

Gizmo Pumpkin Carving

These great Gremlins Pumpkin Carvings were made by the amazing Scott Cummins.  Scott’s carving skills are out of this world. 


Gremlins Pumpkin Carving

Here is the same Gizmo Pumpkin Carving lit.  This is why I love Scott’s pumpkins.  As amazing as his carvings are, his pumpkins look even better when lit. 


Gremlins Pumpkin Carving

Scott obviously left a Gremlins Pumpkin Carving out in the rain.


Gremlins Pumpkin Carving

Here is a different view of the same Gremlins Pumpkin.


Gremlins Pumpkin Carving

Here’s this Gremlins Pumpkin Carving lit.