As part of the process of writing this blog, I look at a lot of cakes. Some are gems, many are okay, and some are downright frightening. But once in a blue moon, I find a cake that is one in a million. This Indiana Jones Cake, made by Mother and Me Creative Cakes, is one of those treasures. This is the best Indiana Jones Cake that I’ve ever seen. Thankfully there are plenty of pictures of this masterpiece.
Indiana Jones stands on top of the cake, with whip in hand, poised to defeat any enemies that may come his way.
The left side of the cake features the snake filled ancient ruins of the Well of Souls in the lost city of Tanis. Above it is a painted picture of the Pyramids of Egypt. To the left of this scene is the scene in Temple of the Chachapoyan Warriors in the Peruvian jungle from ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark.’
The right side of the cake features the mine car chase and the broken rope bridge beside the waterfall from ‘Indians Jones and the Temple of Doom.’
Side view of cake
Indy is running out of the cave with the huge round boulder chasing him. He is carrying the Chachapoyan Fertility Idol in his hand.
Indiana with his whip in hand, ready for adventure.
Side view of Indiana Jones
Close-up view of painting of Egyptian Pyramids and top view of the entrance to the Well of Souls at the Tanis dig site. The heavy rectangular opening has been pushed to one side so Indy could enter the room full of deadly snakes and look for the Ark of the Covenant.
Well of Souls with deadly snakes
Indiana Jone is in snake filled room at the Tanis archeological dig site in Egypt. There is a statue of Anubis with snakes coming out of his mouth and eyes. A deadly cobra is to little to the left of Indy. There are pots and fallen columns on the floor of the room.
Snake pit at Egyptian ruins that housed Ark of the Covenant.
This is a scene from ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’ with Indiana Jones holding one of Sankara Stones. The Sankara Stones were five smooth stones that contained diamonds inside and according to legend they were given to Sankara by the Hindu god Shiva. When the stones were brought together, they would glow. He is holding the one that he will return to the village.
Indiana Jones is at the top of the broken rope bridge that he had cut. Beside him is the wallerfall that shot out of the mines when they were flooded with water.
Waterfall coming out of the mines under Pankot palace where the stolen children were digging for the lost Sankara stones.
Indiana Jones hanging off broken bridge holding a Sankara stone.
Crocodiles are in the water beneath the broken rope bridge.
Willie, Indiana Jones, and Short Round in mine car under Pankot Palace on left and Indy on broken rope bridge on right.
Close-up of Indiana Jones
close-up of Indy’s face
Indiana Jones, Willie and Short Round in mine car. A river of lave is beneath the track.
Side view of mine car scene with red lava
Indiana Jones running from large round boulder in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark.’
Indiana Jones with golden idol in his hand
Top view of Dr. Jones running out of cave at the beginning of the movie.