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Marvelous Black Widow Cake

Black Widow Cake

This marvelous Black Widow Cake was made by Anna Magdalena cukrárna- Kurzy.  The cake features Black Widow in her usual black jumpsuit.  Her head is titled slightly to one side and she has one eye closed because she is staring down the barrel of a pistol.  The likeness to Scarlett Johansson from the Marvel movies is terrific.

This is a two layer cake.  The bottom layer is a grey brick wall.  The Hulk’s fist is sticking out the wall (which he just punched through) and there are brick flying everywhere.  The second layer is red, white, and blue and looks like Captain America’s costume.  Captain America’s shield is on the side of this layer and Black widow is standing on top of it.


Black Widow Cake


Here is another view of this awesome Black Widow Cake.

Also, take a look at these amazing Avengers Cakes & Cookies