This Terrific Pink Cinderella Cake features Cinderella’s pink dress and her blue pumpkin carriage. This Disney cake was made by Emma Jayne Cake Design located in the United Kingdom.
I love this scene in Disney’s Cinderella where the birds and mice are helping Cinderella make her dress for the ball. She has such a special relationship with them.
The blue birds are tying the pink bow at the top of the dress. There are buttons, pink ribbon, and a spool of thread at the bottom of the dress to show the left over materials from modifying the dress.
The cake is pink. Cinderella’s pumpkin carriage is on the side of the cake. Gus are Peala are beside the cake. There are spools of thread and buttons on the cake board in front of the cake. The cake board looks like it is covered in wooden floor planks.
Here’s a close-up of Gus and Perla : some of Cinderella’s mice friends.
Also, check out these wonderful Cinderella Cakes and Cookies.