Home » Beauty & The Beast » Fabulous Belle and Gaston Cookies

Fabulous Belle and Gaston Cookies

Beauty and the Beast Cookies

These Fabulous Belle and Gaston Cookies were made by Frost Me Beautiful.

Belle Cookie

Belle is wearing her yellow dress and holding a single red rose in her hand.

The red rose reminds me of the Beast’s red rose that is protected under glass.

Gaston Cookie

Gaston is flexing his muscles. He is wearing brown boots, black pants, red and yellow shirt and yellow gloves. 

When I see Gaston, I think of the lines from the song Gaston, from Disney’s Beauty and The Beast.

‘For there’s no one as burly and brawny’

‘As you see, I’ve got biceps to spare’

Also, check out these wonderful Beauty and the Beast Cakes and Cookies.