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This Lion King Cake Will Make Your Roar!

Lion King Cake

This terrific Lion King Cake was made by Roberto’s Cake in Budapest, Hungary.  One thing I love about Roberto’s cakes is that he mixes 2-D and 3-D to make visually stunning cakes.  This cake features Simba standing on Pride Rock while the sun sets.  Pride Rock is 3-D while Simba and the tree which is behind him are 2-D. I also really like Roberto’s use of color.  The brown of pride rock is the same as the cake trim.  The tree behind Simba and the airbrushed trees have very similar looks and colors.  The oranges used in the sunset are very close to the oranges used in Simba’s fur.  Lastly, I really like that Roberto used a reflective coating on his cake board.  Having the sunset reflect off the cake board is a beautiful touch.