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This Mr. Potato Head Birthday Cake Wins By A Nose

Mr. Potato Head Cake

This adorable Mr. Potato Head birthday cake was made by Karolina Cake Designer.  It was inspired by this Toy Story 3 Movie Poster:


Toy Story 3 Movie Poster


Toy Story Cake

This Mr. Potato Head Cake looks like Playskool’s classic toy.  He has the round, brown, potato shaped body, a black hat with a large brim, large pink ears, black eye brows and a mustache.  He is holding a banner with the names of the two children who are having the birthday. Six birthday candles are stuck on the brim of Mr. Potato Head’s hat.


Mr. Potato Head Birthday Cake

Since this cake was made for a 6th birthday, the number six is stuck to Mr. Potato Head’s nose.  His eyes are crossed from trying to look at something so close and his mouth is wide open.  If this cake had a voice track, you’d hear Don Rickles complaining about the number 6 being stuck to his nose.


Mr. Potato Head 6th Birthday Cake