This Fabulous Pinocchio Cake was made by Chain Lane Cake Company. This cake was made as part of a cake collaboration to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the release of the Disney animated movie Pinocchio in the United Kingdom. This cake represents a cinema scene with film, film reels, Clapboard and popcorn.
Here a view of the side of the cake.
Here’s a picture of Pinocchio on the big screen of the movie theatre in the scene where he is underwater. There are red curtains that are on either side of the movie screen.
There are three cake film reels with a strip of the film hanging out of one of the reels. Popcorn is scattered around on the cake board and the film reels.
The Movie Clapboard has the name of the movie Pinocchio, Walt Disney studios, 13th May 1940, and a 75 to stand for 75th anniversary.
Here is the cake board covered in wood grain fondant with the bottom of a film reel on it.
Here is a picture of the film reel assembled.
Here’s a picture of the Pinocchio Movie theatre scene before Pinocchio has been painted.
Also check out these splendid Pinocchio Cakes and Cookies.