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Mickey And The Invisible Cake

This Mickey and the Invisible cake is very unique.

Can you find the cake?  

Take a really close look.  

Mickey And the Invisible Cake

The silver surface behind Mickey is the cake.    It’s hard to recognize in this picture since the cake board is also silver. This is a unique design that works well. This wonderful cake was made by Daphne Ho Cake Design.

Here’s a side view of the cake and of the Mickey Mouse figure. The cake is below the Mickey figure.

Mickey looks like  he was made using white modeling chocolate.  Google translate says cream, but my best guess is a modeled chocolate figure of Mickey using modeling chocolate.

He looks like he was painted with red and black,, yellow, and skin tone food paint.  The carving of this Disney figure is terrific.

For more Mickey party ideas:

Check out this Balloons Cake Featuring Mickey

In addition this Black & White Steamboat Willie Cake.   is terrific. 

Also you may like this Mickey Mouse cake with truffles