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Gorgeous Hand Painted She-Ra Cake

She-Ra Cake

Sugar & Spice Gourmandise Gifts made this wonderful hand painted She-Ra 30th Birthday Cake.  The cake features She-Ra holding the Sword of Protection above her head.  Behind She-Ra is part of the Crystal Castle.

 The top of the cake has the birthday message.  The side of the cake is painted in multiple light colors.   


She-Ra Cake

The figure of She-Ra was hand cut and hand painted.  The cake board looks like stone and there are rock underneath She-Ra’s feet.  If you notice, She-Ra isn’t flush against the cake.  Her feet are actually on the rocks in front of the cake.  This little trick makes it look like She-Ra really is standing in front of the Crystal Castle.


She-Ra Cake Tutorial

Here is an in progress photograph of the cake.  The Crystal Castle has been hand cut and hand painted and applied to the cake.  Likewise, the cake board and rocks are also in place.  All that’s needed is for the birthday wish to be written on the top and for She-Ra to be added.