Las Tartas De Mariana made this Marvelous Frankenweenie Cake. This three-tiered hand-painted Disney cake has Sparky beside his grave and gravestone at the top of the cake. There is a large yellow moon behind the grave. The top layer of the cake is black and white with a painting of the graveyard with a dead tree with birds flying near it. There is a fence and a small hill in the background.
The middle layer has a painting of the windmill that appears near the end of the Frankenweenie movie. Victor is siting on the top of this layer.
The bottom layer of the cake has a hand-painting of the gate leading into the pet graveyard.
Here’s a close-up of Sparky peeking around his own tombstone on a hill.
Here’s a close-up of Victor sitting beside the windmill where Sparky rescued Victor and where Sparky died for the second time and was revived by the people using their car batteries.
This painting on the side of the cake has the gate to the pet graveyard. Grave markers and dead trees, can be seen in the distance.
Here’s the cake displayed with other color coordinated treats like black and white cupcakes and cake.
Here is close-up of the white cake with a black ribbon and a black flower on the top.