Made by Linda Kavanagh from Wooden Heart Cakes
Please click on the links below to contribute to The Global Fund to support their war on HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria in countries in need.
You can also purchase The UN Sugar Art Magazine and the UN Sugar Art Tutorial Booklet to support The Global Fund.
The World AIDS Day cake shown above was made by Linda Kavanagh from Wooden Heart Cakes in Westmeath, Ireland.
Linda Kavanagh is a part-time hobby baker and full time pre-school teacher. She has been making cakes for friends and family for about 3 years. Her Facebook page is called Wooden Heart Cakes because her Mother was a huge Elvis fan.
This is her first time to be involved in a collaboration. Her cake has a Mother and child infinity symbol to represent the eternal and unconditional love that mothers all over the world have for their children. The AIDS ribbons are airbrushed chaotically on two tiers to represent the chaos AIDS causes. She discovered this technique when she airbrushed wafer paper ribbons and loved how the background looked so she recreated it on the cake.
This statue of a mother holding her child was made by Zelda Scafidas from Znique Creations in Perth, Australia.
This World AIDS Day Cake was made by Jenny Kennedy from Jenny’s Haute Cakes in Denver, Colorado USA
Jenny Kennedy grew up in a large family and loved to make cakes to celebrate everything. Her cakes were pretty basic back then, but the joy of celebrating with cake stayed in her heart. She made her first “fancy” cake when she met her husband and wanted to make him a special camping-themed birthday cake. It had a little tent and a couple trees and you lit the campfire as the candle. She was a litigation attorney at the time, but art of all sorts (painting, drawing, scrapbooking, dollhouse miniatures, crafting to name a few) were a regular part of her life. When she became pregnant with her third child she decided to leave the practice of law and be a full time mommy.
She recalls, “As a family we would watch Cake Boss and my children would challenge me to make cakes like that for the birthdays. And so it began. A few cakes a year for my kids…then for a cousin…then for a friend…and a friend of a friend. I took a few Wilton classes for fun, and I was hooked. In 2012 Jenny’s Haute Cakes was born. I work part time out of my home — often after the kids have gone to bed. I couldn’t be happier doing what I am doing. Every cake is a new artistic challenge. A new chance to spread happiness and sweetness in an imperfect world.”
FUN FACT: “I have an identical twin sister who is also an artist. She took that first Wilton class with me. Quite frankly, she was better than me, but she didn’t enjoy it so her cake journey ended there. “
This World AIDS Day Cake was made by Irina Salazar from Ennas’ Cake Design – Ennas’ Cake Design Facebook Page
Irina started cake decorating in 2012 after she attended a cake decorating class. She immediately fell in love with the art of cake decorating and hasn’t stopped learning new techniques ever since. Irina finds inspiration in many places, from designer clothes, photography, drawings; to everywhere she looks. She is known for her clean lines and geometric designs, largely from her civil engineer background.
Her cake was Inspired by the hope of a new day when no baby will be born HIV positive. This is represented by a sunrise in Africa and an expectant mother under a tree, sign of a life.
This World AIDS Day Cake was made by Elena Pelizzoli from Il mondo di elle – Top4cake in Bergamo, Italy
Since an early age Elena Pelizzoli has shown artistic skills, strong imagination and creativity. She has a degree in Biology. She has a passion for running a bakery, a vocation that requires discipline, scientific precision and creativity at the same time. She took a professional pastry chef course followed by an internship with a renowned Italian pastry chef, member of “Relais Desserts” in order to develop this art in it’s details. During this internship, she was given the nickname “belle”. After learning the basics of Italian artisan, fine bakery, Elena decides to adventure, as a self-though artist, in the world of cake decoration. It is because of this, that in August 2014, Elena created a fantastic world filled with characters that tell a story, express feelings, convey emotions and, sometimes, get a giggle. Ielle puts her heart and passion in every creation and that is what bring to life those characters.
One fun fact:
“At school and work I’ve always had classmates or colleques named Elena, therefore, to distinguish myself from them, I’ve always been given a nickname. I’ve been called “Pelli”, “Peli”, “Ellen”, “Elenuzza”, and at last “ielle”. I therefore used this last nickname for my sugar art. I wonder how many people named “Elena” exists in the world!
Cake inspiration:
The sugar-paste cake topper is meant to represent the fight against HIV in the world (reproduced at the base). An African woman, outlined in the red ribbon – the international symbol for the fight agains AIDS – protecting her fetus from the infection that could cause it’s death (the dark angel). December 1st, 2015 is the date for the World Day against AIDS, and the international collaboration of outstanding sugar artists will support the slogan “No baby born with HIV – Getting to Zero” – the countdown where zero is represented in red on the “United Nations of Sugar Art” logo. The aim is to zero out the new HIV infections, zero out AIDS-related deaths and zero out discrimination. To the left the drop of blood is contaminated by the black color representing the infection while the right one is completely red: free of the virus.
Cake buisness/cake hobby
“Il mondo di ielle – Top4cake” was born as a hobby in August 2014, when Elena Pelizzoli ventured for the first time in the art of sugar-paste modeling. New characters were born from her imagination. They tell a story. They express a feeling. They convey an emotion; they make you smile. In each creation “Ielle” puts her heart and passion, which become her charachter’s soul.
Il mondo di ielle – di Elena Pelizzoli
Fin da piccola Elena Pelizzoli esprime doti artistiche, spiccata fantasia e creatività. Si dedica, però, a studi scientifici e si laurea in biologia. Nel frattempo cresce in lei la passione per la pasticceria, disciplina che richiede precisione, rigore quasi scientifico e creatività allo stesso tempo. Cerca di approfondire quest’arte frequentando un corso professionale e intraprendendo un tirocinio da un rinomato pasticcere italiano, membro “Relais Desserts”, dove viene battezzata “ielle”. Dopo aver appreso le basi della pasticceria italiana decide di approcciarsi, da autodidatta, al mondo della decorazione. Così, nell’agosto 2014, crea il suo fantasioso Mondo, popolato da soggetti che raccontano una storia, esprimono un sentimento, trasmettono un’emozione o strappano un sorriso. In ogni creazione ielle ci mette il cuore e la passione, che diventano l’anima dei suoi personaggi.
One fun fact about yourself
Dalla scuola fino al lavoro mi sono ritrovata sempre con compagne o colleghe di nome Elena, perciò, per distinguermi dalle altre, io venivo sempre battezzata con un soprannome. Così diventai “Pelli”, “Peli”, “Ellen”, “Elenuzza” ed infine “ielle”. E’ per questo che, quando ho deciso di pubblicare le mie opere in pasta di zucchero, ho scelto di presentarmi con il mio ultimo soprannome…chissà quante Elena ci sono nel Mondo!
Cake history
Il cake topper in pasta di zucchero vuole rappresentare la lotta contro il virus dell’HIV nel Mondo (riprodotto alla base). Una donna africana, delineata nel fiocco rosso, simbolo internazionale della lotta contro l’AIDS, protegge il suo feto dall’infezione che ne potrebbe provocare la morte (l’angelo nero). Il 1 dicembre 2015 è la data indetta ogni anno per la giornata mondiale contro l’AIDS, e questa collaborazione internazionale di eccellenti artisti dello zucchero, vuole sostenere il tema “Nessun bambino nato con HIV – Getting to Zero” (raffigurato dal conto alla rovescia in cui lo zero è delineato in rosso dal logo delle “United Nations of Sugar Art”), il cui obiettivo è quello di portare a zero le nuove infezioni da HIV, zero decessi per AIDS e zero discriminazione. Così a sinistra la goccia di sangue rossa è contaminata dalla nera infezione, mentre a destra è completamente rossa, ovvero ripulita dal virus.
Cake buisness/cake hobby
“Il mondo di ielle – Top4cake” nasce per hobby, quando, nell’Agosto 2014, Elena Pelizzoli si cimenta per la prima volta nella modellazione della pasta di zucchero…dalla sua fantasia nascono personaggi che raccontano una storia, esprimono un sentimento, trasmettono un’emozione o strappano un sorriso. In ogni creazione ielle ci mette il cuore e la passione, che diventano l’anima dei suoi personaggi.
This cake was made by Mirtha Alvarez from Mirtha’s P-arty Cakes in Urban-Bridgnorth, UK.